Obama's Inauguration!

I'm waiting for the Inauguration to begin. In the meantime, completing my homework. Just completed my marketing research project. Now, writing an essay on John Adams who was the 2nd President of the United States.

It is going to be an exciting day! This historic transition of power with Obama as the 44th President of the United States. The first African American to become President.

Marketing Managment in mid-term

I’m at 98% in mid-term. This week is the marketing research for our marketing plan.

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Editing Work

If anyone needs editing work done on projects, work, school, etc. email me at kaplan0609@verizon.net Pricing is reasonable.

Essays, Essays!

Pardon me if I ignore my friends and family for a few days but have to focus on essays due this week!

Back to School! Party is over!

Well, I certainly enjoyed the holiday and now back to school January 3, 2009 on-line. I love school and now it's just getting everything done before Tuesday homework turn-in. Have a great weekend folks. I'll be busy.