Those of you that love pets!

Check out my new pet site I’ve joined and you can download photos of your favorite pets. Go to:


I wish Romeo my dog, Dusty, Fergie, Angel and Snickers our cats a Happy New Year!


Marlene Mendoza

Gamma Chi Theta Fraternity

Sigma Beta Delta, Honor Society Jan09

Alpha Beta Kappa, National Honor Society Jan09


I applied for 3 more Scholarships today!

I applied for a $2,000.00 scholarship to be awarded in January. The deadline was the 31st of December so I just made it.


Plus a few $1,000.00 scholarships to help with 2009 school year.





Scholarship Gift Received!

I received my scholarship gift of supplies today from Staples that the Housing Authority awarded me. I won the $465.00 scholarship award right before Christmas. What a great present not having to worry about cartridges running out for the printer (right in the middle of an essay). I got folders and I got a cooling pad for my laptop. Thanks to The Housing Authority!



Gamma Chi Theta!

I have received wonderful warm welcome letters from my Fraternity Group Gamma Chi Theta!  I also wish them peace, love and many more blessings!


Marlene Mendoza

Have a Great New Years!


Happy New Year!

I wish everyone a great New Year!

I pray for peace in the Middle East.

I pray for my friends and family that they have a peaceful and happy 2009.


My main goal for 2009 is to finish my BS degree in sales and marketing management by August, 2009.

In October, 2009 MBA Program.





Merry Christmas!

I wish everyone a wonderful Merry Christmas!




Scholarship Awarded!

I was awarded approximately $500.00 scholarship fund from a government agency to cover school supplies for 2009! I received 3 great letters of recommendation from my Advisor, Professor and a long-time friend. I will be applying for other scholarships to help with expenses while going to Kaplan University. I hope to market the service business in 2009!

New Year Resolutions!

First resolution to lose all my weight in 2009!

Second resolution to start a new on-line business support company.

Third to maintain my GPA.

Marlene's New Service Business starting in 2009!

Check out my new website in which I will be offering new services for businesses. My job now is to market the on-line business to other small and large businesses that may need my assistance.

Also, to be a virtual personal assistant to individuals and business owners.

Go to:

There will be revisions. This is just a start.



Kaplan’s Assistant Dean, the Dean and my Advisor and the Registrar’s office went out of the way to help me today.  Also, their Professors are the best. Most of them have double Master’s and Doctorate degrees and very knowledgeable in their fields.

Have a Great Day!


Virgin Mobile is Great!!!

Virgin Mobile has great customer service and I like the monthly plans with no contracts. You get unlimited texting and whatever internet you purchase. You can buy whatever amount of minutes you want. You pay in advance but that’s ok because there’s no contracts and they have everything you need.

Have a Great Day!


Term Classes Changed for the Holidays!

I got approval from the Dean to take Marketing Management over the holidays along with the History Class-The Founding Fathers. I requested to take Statistics right before I take Marketing Research as that’s when I’ll need it.  I love to write so it made my Christmas!!

Holidays will soon be here! Although I’ll have projects to do, it will be much more enjoyable.

Have a Great Day!


Official Grades September (Kaplan)

September Term (2008) Repeated


Consumer Behavior 4.0

Advertising in the 21st Century  4.0 

Sales Force Management  4.0

GPA cumulative: 3.91


I'm invited to join 3 Honor Societies

Kaplan University invited me to join three Honor Societies. I’ve joined Gamma Chi Theta in November.

In December, 2008 I’ll be a member of Sigma Beta Delta Honor Society Chapter.

In January, 2009 or sooner I’ll be a member of Alpha Beta Kappa which is Delta Zeta of Florida Chapter.


Rising tuition costs

Due to the rise in tuition costs I will be taking two classes instead of three classes each term. I’m in my senior year at the university. However, I will still graduate in 2009. The plan is to attend the master’s program, which again will take a bit longer because funds are limited for high tuition costs. I’m grateful to God I can still graduate. Furthermore, I plan on writing a book over the next few years to present for publishing.


Pray for People in India!

It is so devastating what happened recently in India. Pray for them!


Final Grades

I got 4.0 in Sales Force Management, 4.0 in Consumer Behavior and 4.0 in Advertising for the 21st Century.

That’s 4.0 for last 3 terms leaving 3.91 GPA for the whole average to-date.

On the 4th of December I will start Marketing Management, Marketing Research and The Founding Fathers.

If all goes well, I’ll be graduating around June/July 2009.

I will take a break and then I plan on starting on the Masters Program.


I got 258 out of 260 in my final paper in Sales Force Management meaning 4.0 in my final grade. Hurray!

I did a Sales Plan of about 18 pages and a Sales Presentation. Topic The Ralph Lauren Corporation.

It took a lot of research and writing.  My teacher said it was the best paper she’s graded so far!


I get the other class final grades in a few days. I got 4.0 in the finals though.


Marlene Mendoza

Have a Great Day!



890 W. George Street, Banning, CA 92220-4342


Rancho Mirage Landscape


In term finals!

I’m in term final exams, then I start up again Dec 3rd!

Statistics, The American Fathers and Marketing Management.



I admired both McCain and Obama. It was hard to make a choice.

However, Obama has promised to help the poor and disabled and with hopes of a new health care system.

He’s given all of us hope for the future. After hearing his speech, he does give great promise and I’m grateful.



I’m still up in the air whether to vote for McCain or Obama. I chose McCain but I haven’t turned in the ballot yet. I’ll decide at the last minute. A lot of the celebrities are voting for Obama. I spoke to store owners out here and they want Obama. I spoke to the gay community in Palm Springs and most want Obama. Like I said it’s hard because it is so important this time around. Follow your heart as that’s what I’m going to do.

Marlene Mendoza

Have a Great Day!

Don't Forget to Vote!

Don’t forget to Vote!!!


Don’t let the other publicists talk you against voting for John McCain and Sarah Palin.

Have a Great Day!

December Classes

December classes will be: Macroeconomics, Statistics and The Founding Fathers.
It'll be a busy Christmas!

Local Charities

Find a local charity and see what you can do to donate to help a charity in your neighborhood. I'm donating personal items to "Help, Inc." a company that helps families have food on the table and helps with their utility bills. Anything that you donate goes into their store, they sell it and the money goes right back into the charity. Find a way to help society by giving to your local community charities. You'll feel good about it.


Tuition is now at $2,000.00 per class and over $6,000.00 per term at Kaplan. The knowledge we learn at Kaplan is worth every penny! It's an outstanding university!!

Sigma Beta Delta

I also received an invitation from Kaplan University to join Sigma Beta Delta.

Gamma Chi Theta

I received the invitation from Kaplan University to be a member of Gamma Chi Theta.

School is busy with about 4 projects due per week!

I’m hanging in there with lots of discussion boards with 3 classes, research and at least four essays due per week! It’s exciting and fun and I can’t wait until I get my Bachelor’s Degree in Sales and Marketing Management. Yes, next is the master’s program. The university has Six Sigma Programs for managers, which I’m thinking of looking into. However my first goal is BS and then the master’s program.

School Has Started!!!

School has finally started!

Every 10 weeks we start a new term. The classes are accelerated.
Next term in December will be Statistics, Macroeconomics and The Founding Fathers.

I can't wait to start learning about our Founding Fathers and what life was like for them when they were struggling to become leaders. Remember Abraham Lincoln was book smart and he became a lawyer and President of the United States just by reading books. He never went to college, so it goes to show with reading you can do anything you set your mind to do.

I finish my third essay!

I have submitted another essay today to Alvin Cox Memorial Scholarship. I will know in December the outcome.

Reuters Insight

Great News! I have just been added to Reuters Insight Expert Network in which I will be giving expert knowledge on Operation’s Management, Sale Force Management and Marketing Management on an as needed basis.

September Term Classes

Sales Force Management
Consumer Behavior
Advertising in the 21st Century

Since my major is sales and marketing management these classes will be very valuable for any business.

I'll be posting more brief essays that I have entered in scholarship contest as soon as I'm done writing them. It will give you a taste of my writing.

Next essay will be Best and Worst of Back to School for Brickfish. This essay will be posted right away when it's written.

Following in the near future will be an essay for Alvin Cox Memorial Scholarship foundation. Alvin Cox passed away and left his legacy of helping students with scholarships. It will be posted once it has been judged.

Later will be an essay for The Phillips Foundation and The Elie Wiesel Prize in Ethics Essay Contest for 2009. The major essays may not be posted until they have been judged by the judges.

All essays are the property of the author Marlene. Thank you.

July Term Grades Cont'd




Grade Point


Honor Points



















My July Term Grades

0803B July Term 2008

Course Number

Course Name

Class Section



Grade Point


Honor Points


Social Problems


Joyce Scott






American Business History


Marek McKenna








Brian Cushing





Total Credits:


Total Honor Points:


Quarter GPA:


lene Mendoza




Let’s be sure to pray today for the victims of 9/11 and to remember the ones that sacrificed their life to save others. Especially the fire fighters, police officers, people in the air and on the ground that helped others. May we all learn to someday live together in peace worldwide.