Where there is Faith
There is love
Where there is Love
There is Peace
Where there is Peace
There is God
Where there is God
There is no Need
Marlene Mendoza
Start with a Mission Statement:
First, management decisions and behavior patterns must always comply with
the highest ethical standards of moral management style. In addition, their
daily activities must be with right behavior and professional standards
inclusive of ethical leadership.
Furthermore, the Managers success is always contingent upon being fair to
all employees, due process and justice. Still further, to comply with legal
obedience according to the law and work well above the law. The management
strategy must always be in align with sound ethical standards and be a
leader when there are ethical dilemmas. To this end, all employees will also
follow the highest ethical standards and to give outstanding customer
service as to what this organization was originally built upon.
Second, you need to have all of the following elements to be successful:
Marketing and Distribution
Management Decisions
Target Market
Marketing and Advertising
International Licenses
Brands and Products (Sales Accounts)
Organizational Chart
Developing a Sales Force (Inside and Outside)
Sales Force Deployment and Training
Additional Sales Training in Sales Force Socialization
Sales Force Compensation
Compensation and Training Costs
Sales Forecast
Sales Profitability Analysis
Last Three Years Financials
Recent Activity
Newest Timeline and Growth
As you can see there is a lot to devising a sales force plan.
Follow Me on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/marlenemendoza
Read My Blog: http://blog.businessdevelopmentandsupportservices.net
Enjoying My Agel business at: http://marlenemendoza.iamagel.com
Same with My Monavie business at:
Whatever we can do to help, let us know. If you need emails sent to
corporations in Fontana, Chino or cities that have high manufacturing
companies, let us do the work for you. It saves you spending money
travelling out here and doing the work yourself.
You can email us at: kaplan0609@verizon.net Our website:
They can provide discounts to local hotels and restaurant affiliates.
Be sure to check out their site, because they handle weddings and events. Go
to: http://www.balinesiadewatatour.com and you can see our work.
It's fun bringing money into the economy especially when the clients are
overseas and the money comes into the U.S. economy.
Pardon me if I ignore my friends and family for a few days but have to focus on essays due this week!